Whether you are expanding your business line or changing the basics of the company, you may find that you need to rebrand it in order to make it appealing and efficient. Here are some of the rules to follow when modifying your brand:
Never Change the Essence
The essence of your brand may include anything that has become synonymous with the brand itself. Certain logos, catchphrases or colours may be so woven in with your brand, that changing it may almost be disrespectful. Try to stick with some familiar inspiration if not the basics itself.
Hire an Expert
Always have an expert to turn to when working on a rebranding project. Their experience and creativity can change the entire process and ensure you create something unique and wonderful. They can also keep in mind the legal parameters one must work with in rebranding cases that can get tough and complicated.
Eliminate the Outdated
Any element you have changed or modified must be updated in other locations as well. If you have different versions of say the logo, it can create confusion and appear as if the company is not informed. Make sure you have updated the correct information on all the portals and aspects such as business stationery.
Create Excitement, not Confusion
Your customers need time to process changes and modifications as well. Send out a notification mailer or put up a “changes coming soon” sign on your webpage to ensure they are kept in the loop. This can also help excite the customers instead of creating confusion through changes.
Rebranding is an essential step to updating your business and warranting it meets with the demands of the time and market. However, it also needs to be a finely balanced decision that improves the statistics for the company. With an expert marketing service, you can leave your rebranding worries behind!